Royals in Action


Let the King of kings take the wheel!

Let the King of kings take the wheel!

C.T. Studd, the famous Cambridge cricketer and missionary pioneer, wrote the following couplet while still a student at Cambridge: Only one life, ’twill soon be passed; Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Our life will be a failure if we fail to do this even if we succeed in every other area. A man who takes advantage of his glorious opportunity to prepare to meet God cannot escape. D. L. Moody said that God can do more with your life than you can.

Moody also stated, “A holy existence will make the deepest impression.” Lighthouses do not blow horns. They only shine.

John’s words (quoted below) are again a reminder: “These were written that you might believe that Jesus Christ is the Christ, The Son of God, so that by believing you can have eternal life in his name.”

I trust that you have believed and accepted Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Did you know that Christ is the only way to life? Not only physical life but also life in its fullness as God intended. People seek happiness today in many different ways.

They look for wealth, status, education, sex, and drugs, as well as entertainment and relationships. If we obey God’s laws regarding them and put them in their rightful places, most of these things are not necessarily wrong.

Jesus Christ must be the center of your life. This will give you true life and eternal meaning. Is Jesus Christ the center and focus of your life?

If the answer is no, make the decision now by click on the link below:

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