Royals in Action

Prayer & Pastoral Care


How Can We Pray For You?

Do you have a prayer request or need help? Share your prayer request with us and we will pray for you this week. Your prayer request will be kept confidential.

Let us know how we can pray for you by:

Form: Completing the form below

Phone: Calling +52 333 072 6164


“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

Join Us for Our Wednesday Noon Prayer Call

At Noon every Wednesday – you’re invited to join Pastor Randolf and others from RIA Global Church Family for a special time of prayer for our church family, our city, and our world.

It’s an honor to get to pray for you and your needs. So – let us know your prayer requests. We will be praying for you and others in our church family on our Noon prayer call.

Note: you do not need to submit a prayer request to be on the call. Join us regardless . . . we’ve seen God answering prayers and doing amazing things in the lives of people in our church!

To share a Prayer Request for Wednesday’s call…

Whatsapp: +52 333 072 6414


Many times in life we encounter difficulties that seem overwhelming or face decisions and are unsure how to best proceed. In these times, we need someone to help guide us to God’s principles. That’s why the church is here.

Join Us for Our Wednesday Noon Prayer Call

If you have a need and would like to meet with a Pastor at RIA Global Church, simply follow the steps below:

1. Call +52 333 072 6164 or WhatsApp +52 333 072 6164 and describe your need for assistance.


2. The pastor on staff best qualified to help will be assigned to you.


3. The assigned pastor will call you personally to speak with you about your situation and will schedule a time to meet if necessary.


4. Together, you and the assigned pastor will prayerfully assess the best steps for you to take.


5. If deemed beneficial, you will be referred to a professional Christian counselor for more in-depth and on-going counseling.


Note: Most pastoral care meetings are scheduled with two RIA Global pastors present.