Royals in Action


The Priceless Thing that Money can’t Buy!

The Priceless Thing that Money can’t Buy!

God said: “Come ye and buy. . . He said, “Salvation is without money and price” (Isaiah55:1). Preachers do not sell anything, because they don’t have anything to sell. They are the bearers and promoters of Good News, the good news that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3) and that God’s grace is available to all. . . “Has appeared to all men” (Titus 2:2).

It is not something you can buy with money. It is not possible to earn it through righteousness. Social prestige can’t help us acquire it. It is not possible to buy it with morality. It’s as Isaiah says: “Without price and money.” God doesn’t bargain with us. He is not willing to accept any kind of trade. He is the only one who can make business deals.

He holds the eternal, priceless, precious, and eternal gift of salvation in His omnipotent hands and bids that we accept it without any price or cost. Aren’t the best things in life free? The cubic feet of the air we inhale is not worth a penny. The mountain stream’s water is available for free. The water that flows from the mountain stream is clear and free in love, faith, and hope. God’s grace is not too expensive.

The most valuable things in life are free and available to all without price or money. Only the most nefarious and cheapest things can be bought with a price tag. Salvation is free, but it is expensive!

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