Royals in Action


Here is why you should choose love over all else!

Here is why you should choose love over all else!

What is the overwhelming evidence that we have risen from death to life? It’s love! Our Lord prayed that “they all may be one; as Father, thou art in me, but I in thee that they also might be one in us: that this world may believe that Thou hast sent me” (John 17, 21).

Jesus Christ spoke about visible unity, which is what can be seen by the entire world. His motivation for praying was that the whole world might believe in him and be able to know. He prayed to bring unity among believers.

Christ has set a model for the church: unity in diversity, a unity that is compatible with a variation. The key phrase throughout Acts is “with one agreement”. This means that the apostles did not tend to disagree with each other about secondary points of doctrine.

Every effort was made, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to resolve any problems that might arise. God, who wants man to be one in Christ Jesus, is a God full of variety. We often want everyone to be the same, to think, talk and believe as ours. Philippians 2:1-4, Ephesians 2;19-20, and many other passages can be cited to show that Christian unity is based on love.

To approach our problems, our work, or even our differences, we must be humble, compassionate, considerate, and unselfish. This spirit reflects the heart of Jesus. James states that even the demons believe, and then shudder.

He is protesting against orthodoxy that is void of love and good deeds. It is possible to be right on theological grounds but lack love. John filled his epistles in love, expressing the love that one is to have another. The greatest test of love is it!

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