Many people are indifferent and callous towards the suffering and poverty of others. This is because, for many, there has never been any rebirth.
Their hearts have never experienced the love of God. Many people refer to the social gospel as if it were separate from the redemptive gospel. Truth is, there is only one Gospel. Divine love shines down before it radiates.
If our hearts are not conditioned by God’s love, we will not be able to love our fellow man as well as we should. Jesus wept at the funeral of a friend, and he was moved by his compassion. He wept over Jerusalem, which he felt had lost its ability to appreciate the things of God.
His heart was open to others’ needs. He rewrote an old commandment to emphasize the importance of people loving one another.
It read: “Thou shall love the Lord, thy God, with all of thy heart.” . . and treat your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10 27). Tears for oneself are tears of weakness; but, tears of love for another is a sign that you are strong.