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What does faith not sight mean? (Bliblical view)

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What does faith not sight mean? (Bliblical view)


We are called to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). This means trusting in God’s promises even when we cannot yet see the manifestation of those promises.


Understanding the Concept of Faith

Just as Hebrews 11:1 tells us, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. It is so easy to trust God when we can clearly see His hand moving in a situation. But true faith means clinging to Him when all we see is darkness and doubt trying to overwhelm us. I know this walk of faith is not always easy. There have been many times when I have struggled to hold onto God’s promises when I couldn’t see any visible evidence that they would come to pass. But every time I have persevered in faith despite the circumstances, I have seen the incredible faithfulness of God manifest. He reminds me of Isaiah 55:8, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. Even when things seem hopeless through earthly eyes, I can trust that God is still at work in the unseen spiritual realm, orchestrating His perfect plan.


How do we Grow in this Kind of resilient faith?

So how do we grow in this kind of resilient faith that stands unwavering regardless of what we see or feel in the natural realm? Romans 10:17 provides insight: So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. The more we immerse ourselves in God’s living Word, the more our faith is strengthened and empowered to withstand every storm. Just as Matthew 7:24-25 describes the house built upon the rock that did not fall when the rains fell and the floods came, we also need to build our lives upon the unshakable foundation of the Word so we are not moved by adverse circumstances. As we meditate on scriptures about God’s faithfulness, His miraculous power, and all His precious promises towards us, our spiritual eyes are opened to see from heaven’s perspective rather than being limited by earthly vision. The more renewal we experience in our minds through the Word, the more steadfast assurance we have that God is who He says He is and will do what He has promised (Romans 12:2). Our faith becomes unmovable, anchored in who our Almighty God is, not in what we see or feel in our temporary earthly experience.


Overcoming Doubts

Yes, there will be times when natural doubts creep in and we struggle to see through the eyes of faith as we should. We all battle moments of wavering. But 1 John 5:4 promises that our faith, which overcomes the world, develops spiritual muscle the more we exercise it by refusing to give in to doubt. The less we fixate on physical circumstances and instead pour our gaze into heavenly truth, the more victorious faith arises in our hearts. I love the story of Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6. When they awoke one morning to see the entire city surrounded by enemy chariots, the servant panicked, seeing only the threat of imminent danger through natural eyes. Yet Elisha remained calm, responding in verse 16, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then he prayed for the Lord to open his servant’s spiritual eyes, and the servant saw the surrounding hillside filled with heavenly horses and chariots of fire protecting them. Elisha walked by faith and not by sight.


Applying Faith Not Sight in Daily Life

When we walk by faith and not sight, God opens our spiritual vision to perceive things the way He does. Standing Strong on the Promises of God No matter what storms we face or giantic obstacles stand in our way, we can stand fully assured that our Almighty God is greater and absolutely faithful. As Romans 4:21 says of Abraham, being fully convinced that what God has promised He is also able to perform. Not one of God’s promises has ever failed. As we boldly declare with unwavering faith what God has said, we will see His mighty hand move to confirm His Word. I encourage you today to examine what promises God has spoken to you personally in Scripture or through His still small voice within. Fix your eyes firmly on these promises.choose to walk by faith and not sight until these words come to pass. Remember, there is divine power in holding fast to what we have heard God speak (Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 4:14). His Word will never return void. Our breakthrough is coming as we persever in faith and We are called to walk by faith and not by sight!


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