Royals in Action

Membership Class Quiz Day 12


Questions for Day 12 Membership Class

1 / 30

1. According to Jesus, why does God attach significance to how we manage money?

2 / 30

2. What does Romans 13:8 emphasize about debts?

3 / 30

3. What is the transformative decision that leads to financial freedom?

4 / 30

4. According to 1 Corinthians 9:7, what analogy does Paul use to describe the Body of Christ's functioning?

5 / 30

5. What is the first step to breaking free from debt?

6 / 30

6. What does Matt. 25:19 teach about accountability?

7 / 30

7. According to Prov. 22:7, what happens when borrowers are servants to lenders?

8 / 30

8. What does James 4:2 suggest as a reason for not having certain things from God?

9 / 30

9. According to Matt. 6:21, where is your heart if your treasure is there?

10 / 30

10. What is the purpose of giving the first 10% of your income to God (tithing)?

11 / 30

11. Money's influence on our behavior and choices is:

12 / 30

12. What does Proverbs 22:7 indicate about the relationship between the rich and the poor?

13 / 30

13. Which principle emphasizes using God's resources wisely?

14 / 30

14. What does the story of the talents in Matthew 25 illustrate?

15 / 30

15. In 2 Cor 8:7, what does Paul encourage believers to be strong in?

16 / 30

16. What is the key principle in being a steward of God's resources?

17 / 30

17. What is tithing based on?

18 / 30

18. How did Jesus view the importance of God's law in Matthew 5:17–19?

19 / 30

19. What does Matthew 5:17–19 reveal about the significance of God's law?

20 / 30

20. Focusing too much on money can lead to:

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21. How does tithing under grace differ from legalistic tithing?

22 / 30

22. How does Jesus's teaching about money compare to his teachings about heaven and hell?

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23. What is the key lesson from the parable in Matthew 25?

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24. What should be the focus of one's financial health according to Proverbs 22:7?

25 / 30

25. What is the primary focus when embracing a new way of thinking about money management?

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26. What does Luke 16:11 warn about regarding handling worldly wealth?

27 / 30

27. What does the story of the three servants illustrate in relation to ownership and stewardship?

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28. How does giving establish deposits with God?

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29. What is the crucial factor in receiving what you give according to James 4:2?

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30. What does 2 Corinthians 9:10 imply about giving and receiving?