Royals in Action

Membership Class Quiz Day 5


Questions for Day 5 Membership Class

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1. What does the term "Mediator" refer to in the context of Jesus?

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2. What is the main importance behind Jesus' ascension?

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3. Which office does Jesus fulfill by offering Himself as the eternal sacrifice?

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4. What does the term "Logos" mean in relation to Jesus?

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5. What does it mean for Jesus to be the "only begotten" Son?

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6. What did Jesus accomplish as the Mediator between God and humanity?

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7. Which verse in Hebrews speaks of Jesus as the mediator of a new covenant?

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8. What event is associated with the transfiguration of Jesus?

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9. Which verse describes Jesus' humanity and divinity simultaneously?

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10. Which verse from Hebrews emphasizes Jesus' divine nature?

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11. How did Jesus' sinlessness contribute to both aspects of our redemption?

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12. What term used to describe Jesus led to discussions among different groups?

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13. What is the primary purpose of Jesus' baptism by John?

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14. What title indicates Jesus' supreme authority and divinity?

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15. What are the threefold offices of Christ?

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16. What does it mean to believe in Christ's Deity?

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17. What title refers to Jesus' position and work as the Messiah?

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18. What did Jesus' ascension signify?

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19. What is the primary message of the doctrine of the Virgin Birth?

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20. What does the term "transfiguration" mean in relation to Jesus?

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21. What is the primary purpose of Jesus' baptism by John?

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22. Which title emphasizes Jesus' role as the Anointed One?

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23. What is the primary significance of Jesus' ascension?

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24. In John 1:1-3, what is emphasized about Jesus?

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25. What does Jesus accomplish as the Mediator between God and humanity?

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26. According to Acts 2:36, who made Jesus both Lord and Christ?

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27. In Mark 2:10-11, what did Jesus claim authority to do?

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28. According to Hebrews 4:15, how did Jesus experience temptation differently from us?

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29. Why is Jesus' sinlessness crucial for our salvation?

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30. What is the role of a mediator?