Royals in Action

Online Prayer Team

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16


Sunday Online Prayer Team

We’d love for you to join our Online Prayer Team. Each Sunday from 10:30-10:55am via Zoom, (join by computer or phone), people just like you come together to pray for our services that day and those who will be attending – praying for salvations, next steps, and more. Plus, you will also receive a “spiritual boost” to your Sunday worship experience. We will conclude in time for you to attend the 11:00am worship service.

It’s a relaxed, encouraging and meaningful environment each Sunday. You don’t have to pray out loud or share a specific prayer request. But you can if you’d like.


To find out more, fill out the form below, and we will get you all of the information you need to join us for our upcoming Sunday Online Prayer Team call.

Please let us know how we can be praying for you.

God bless you!